What do I do if there is a tree down on the town road?
Contact the town chairman, Jeff Clements at 606-9511, or call the township office at 629-5848.
How do I obtain a fire number?
To obtain a fire number, complete the application available here and mail the $55 fee to Town of Kickapoo, PO Box 1, Readstown, WI 54652.
You may need a driveway permit as well. The application fee is $50, the application is available here.
When is the township office open? Where is it located?
The clerk does not have fixed office hours. Please leave a message at 608-629-5848 or email the clerk at clerk@tn.kickapoo.wi.gov . The office address is 120 W. Charles St. That address is also the town garage and town hall, where you come to vote.
How do I put my issue on the agenda for a board meeting?
Every tax payer in the township has a right to have his or her issues addressed. Contact the Town Clerk, Alan Buss, with agenda items. The office number is (608) 629-5848. His home phone number is (608) 606-2619.
Why are my taxes so high? Who do I talk to about it?
Chimney Rock Appraisal is the company the township uses regarding the valuation of your home. You would talk to Barrett Brenner at 715-926-3199 for any question or information you may need.
I plan to do some digging. Who should I contact to mark power lines, phone lines, etc.?
Call Diggers Hotline at 1-800-242-8511, TDD at 1-800-542-2289. For more information go to "Links" in this website and click on the Diggers Hotline link.
If I see a land or water quality violation, who do I contact?
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a Conservation (Game) Warden for Vernon County. Her name is Shawna Stringham at 608-637-3681. Any questions regarding water should be addressed to the La Crosse Regional DNR office. Their phone number is 608-785-9000
I need a building permit. Who do I contact?
For all improvements over $2500.00, a Town of Kickapoo building permit is required. The application can be found here.
The township clerk, Alan Buss takes care of building permits for the Kickapoo Township. The office is 608-629-5848 and his cell number is 608-606-2619. If your building involves a home in which someone is going to stay overnight, you must contact the Uniform Dwelling Code inspector. His name is Brad Smrcina and can be reached at 608-799-6229.